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¿Cuál es su grado de satisfacción con la respuesta de los Derechos de Petición, Quejas, Reclamos, Denuncias y Sugerencias (PQRD) que ha presentado al SGC? Satisfecho
¿Considera que los mecanismos de participación ciudadana (Peticiones, Quejas, Reclamos, Denuncias y Solicitudes) facilitan la respuesta a sus requerimientos, inquietudes o necesidades sobre el Servicio Geológico Colombiano?
¿Considera que las respuestas a los Derechos de Petición, Quejas, Reclamos, Denuncias y Sugerencias que ha presentado al SGC han sido oportunas de acuerdo a los términos establecidos por la ley?
¿Qué sugerencia haría para mejorar el trámite de PQRD en el Servicio Geológico Colombiano?
Having straight teeth certainly enhances your smile, and our Zoom!® teeth whitening treatments make your smile even more stunning. Zoom!® teeth whitening is a quick, comfortable treatment that is performed in our office. It involves a combination  of bleaching and special light energy to maximize the level of whitening. Zoom at-home whitening  options will include custom trays to fit over your teeth. For Zoom DayWhite, you wear the trays during the day for a half an hour to an hour and a half once or twice a day. Zoom NiteWhite treatments occur at night, and you wear the trays overnight. The average cost of Zoom teeth whitening is $500 (compare with other teeth whitening costs); this includes the supplemental take-home trays designed to maximize results. Most cosmetic dentistry treatments are not covered by dental insurance. Zoom costs are therefore unaffected by most insurance plans.
Teeth whitening strips are a more economical option to whiten your teeth at home. These strips contain a professional-grade whitening gel that is applied directly to the teeth and are worn for a specified  amount of time each day. There are multiple types of whitening trays available, including universal-fit, custom-made, boil-and-bite, and pre-filled options. Of these, the custom-made  options tend to deliver the best results since they conform to the shape of your teeth, ensuring an even application of the gel, and don’t come with the risks of tooth damage like boil-and-bite options. This whitening system was made famous in the early noughties by the reality TV show ‘Extreme Makeover’. It is generally our most popular and successful whitening treatment. With some 15 years of experience with this technique our team can confidently advise if this treatment is suitable for you.
One of the biggest differences between teeth whiteners is the concentration of the active ingredients they’re formulated with, experts told us. The higher the concentration of the active ingredient and the longer it’s left on the teeth, the more effective the whitener typically is. But with higher concentrations of active ingredients comes concerns like tooth sensitivity and gum irritation. That’s why dentists are able to use whiteners with higher concentrations of active ingredients in their offices — professionals know how to whiten teeth based on your sensitivity level while protecting other parts of your mouth. Then again, maybe that figure isn’t all that surprising — a box of 20 sets of whitening strips can set you back over $40, after all! But the good news is that you don’t need to spend that kind of money in order to whiten your teeth.

Servicio Geológico Colombiano

Sede Principal

Dirección: Diagonal 53 N0. 34 - 53 Bogotá D.C. Colombia

Código Postal: 111321

Horario de Atención Sedes SGC: Lunes a viernes 8.00 a.m. a 5 p.m.

Horario de Atención Museo Geológico Nacional:
Martes a viernes de 9:00 a.m. a 4:00 p.m. y último sábado de cada mes de 10:00 a.m. a 4:00 p.m.

Teléfono conmutador: (601) 220 0200 - (601) 220 0100 - (601) 222 1811

Línea anticorrupción y de atención al ciudadano y denuncias: 01 - 8000 - 110842

Línea de atención 24 horas para emergencias radiológicas: +57 ​317 366 2793

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