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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Talud Melgar - Ibagué. Fotografía por Jair Ramirez, proyecto GeoRED ​​​

 Publicaciones Internacionales

Publicaciones internacionales SGC

​De acuerdo con la base de datos Scopus, los investigadores de los diferentes grupos de investigación del Servicio Geológico Colombiano (SGC) han publicado 123 artículos en revistas o editoriales nacionales, o internacionales, diferentes al SGC, durante los últimos cinco años.

Para el Servicio Geológico Colombiano como entidad que genera conocimiento, y para el Comité Editorial como responsable de la calidad de las publicaciones científicas, es importante reconocer el aporte a la investigación y al conocimiento geocientífico y nuclear de sus funcionarios y colaboradores en estas publicaciones. A continuación, presentamos la lista de artículos científicos que han sido registrados exitosamente por medio del Comité Editorial y ponemos a disposición información valiosa para su consulta en las fuentes primarias de publicación.

Los artículos pueden ser consultados por año de publicación.

​   Autores​
​​Dirección Técnica
Thermal history of the southern Central Cordillera and its exhumation record in the Cenozoic deposits of the Upper Magdalena Valley, Colombia

Nicolas Villamizar Escalante, Matthias Bernet, Cindy Urueña Suarez, Juan Sebastián Hernández-González, Roberto Terraza Melo, Jairo Roncancio, Jimmy Alejandro Muñoz Rocha, Mary Luz Peña Urueña, Sergio Amaya, Alejandro Piraquive

​Asuntos Nucleares y Recursos Minerales​​

Coal petrology analysis and implications in depositional environments from upper Cretaceous to Miocene: a study case in the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia

Clara Guatame, Marco Rincón​

Recursos Minerales

Guidelines for digital geological maps of Pliocene-Holocene composite volcanoes: A contribution from Colombia

Silvia Castilla, Bernardo Pulgarín, Diego Palechor, Mauricio Tamayo, Natalia Pardo, Ana María Correa-Tamayo, Yeni Cruz-Toro, Lorena Rayo, Indira Zuluaga, Julian Ceballos​​

Geoci​encias Básicas
Synoptic analysis of a decade of daily measurements of SO2 emission in the troposphere from volcanoes of the global ground-based Network for Observation of Volcanic and Atmospheric Change

Arellano, S., Galle, B., Apaza, F., Avard, G., Barrington, C., Bobrowski, N., Bucarey, C., Burbano, V., Burton, M., Chacón, Z., Chigna, G., Clarito, C.J., Conde, V., Costa, F., De Moor, M., Delgado-Granados, H., Di Muro, A., Fernandez, D., Garzón, G., Gunawan, H., Haerani, N., Hansteen, T.H., Hidalgo, S., Inguaggiato, S., Johansson, M., Kern, C., Kihlman, M., Kowalski, P., Masias, P., Montalvo, F., Möller, J., Platt, P., Rivera, C., Saballos, A., Salerno, G., Taisne, B., Vásconez, F., Velásquez, G., Vita, F., Yalire, M.


Parameter optimization of automatic phase detection and picking algorithms - Application in São Paulo University Seismological Center and Colombian National Seismic Network

Camilo Mu​ñoz Lopez, Daniel Siervo, Marcelo Assumpção, Viviana Dionicio​​


Approach to the geothermal potential of Colombia

​​Alejandro Piraquive, Andreas Kammer, Cristhian Gómez, Matthias Bernet, Jimmy Alejandro Muñoz, Carlos Alberto Quintero, Oscar Laurent​, Albrecht von Quadt y Mary Luz Peña-Urueña​​

Asuntos Nucleares

Middle-Late Triassic metamorphism of the Guajira arch-basement: Insights from zircon U-Pb and Lu-Hf systematics

Alejandro Piraquive, Andreas Kammer, Cristhian Gómez, Matthias Bernet, Jimmy Alejandro Muñoz, Carlos Alberto Quintero, Oscar Laurent, Albrecht von Quadt y Mary Luz Peña-Urueña​

​​Asuntos Nucleares

Source models of long-period seismic events at Galeras volcano, Colombia

Roberto Torres, Hiroyuki Kumagai y Kimiko Taguchi​​


Empirical Models for Surface‐ and Body‐Wave Amplifications of Response Spectra in the Bogotá Basin, Colombia

Hiroyuki Miura, Taisho Okamura, Masashi Matsuoka, Mario Leal, Helbert García, and Nelson Pulido​


Site Amplification Models of Peak Ground Acceleration and Velocity for the Bogotá basin, Colombia

Hiroyuki Miura, Masashi Matsuoka, Carlos Lozano, Helbert García, Nelson Pulido​​


Deep Crustal Faults, Shear Zones, and Magmatism in the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia: Growth of a Plateau From Teleseismic Receiver Function and Geochemical Mio‐Pliocene Volcanism Constraints

Monsalve, G., Jaramillo, J. S., Cardona, A., Schulte‐Pelkum, V., Posada, G., Valencia, V. y Esteban Poveda​​​


Long period ground motion simulations at the Bogota basin, Colombia, based on a 3D velocity model of the basin from dense microtremors arrays measurements, gravity and geological data

Pulido N., Herlbert García, Julián Montejo and S. Senna


Seismicity induced by massive wastewater injection near Puerto Gaitán, Colombia

Indira Molina, Juan Santiago Velásquez, J. L. Rubinstein, A. Garcia-Aristizabal y Viviana Dionicio


Caribbean slab segmentation beneath northwest South America revealed by 3-D finite frequency teleseismic P-wave tomography

John Cornthwaite, Maximiliano J. Bezada, Wenpei Miao, Michael Schmitz, Germán A. Prieto, Viviana Dionicio, Fenglin Niu, Alan Levander


Depth-dependent rupture mode along the Ecuador-Colombia subduction zone

Masahiro Yoshimoto, Hiroyuki Kumagai, Wilson Acero, Gabriela Ponce, Freddy Vásconez, Santiago Arrais, Mario Ruiz, Alexandra Alvarado, Patricia Pedraza García, Viviana Dionicio, Orlando Chamorro, Yuta Maeda, and Masaru Nakano


Seismicity of Valle Medio del Magdalena basin, Colombia

​​John Makario Londoño, Sleyde Quintero, Katerine Vallejo, Francisco Muñoz, Jaime Romero​​


Ambient Noise Tomography with Short-Period Stations: Case Study in the Borborema Province

​​Cicero Costa da Silva, Esteban Poveda​, Renato Ramos da Silva, Jordi Julià​​

Receiver functions and crustal structure of the northwestern Andean region, Colombia

Esteban Poveda​, Gaspar Monsalve, Carlos Vargas​​


Seismic evidence for thermal runaway during intermediate-depth earthquake rupture

Germán A. Prieto, Manuel Florez, Sarah A. Barrett, Gregory C. Beroza, Patricia Pedraza, Jose Faustino Blanco, Esteban Poveda​​​


Ground-motion model for subduction earthquakes in northern South America

Ana María Correa Martínez, Uw​e Martens, Gabriel​ Rodríguez


Repeating Earthquakes Along the Colombian Subduction Zone

Juan Carlos Bermúdez-Barrios† and Hiroyuki Kumagai​​​

Chapter 16 - Raising awareness of populations living under volcanic risk––The Colombian case

Calvache Velasco Marta Lucía, Méndez Fajury Ricardo Arturo​, Monsalve Bustamante María Luisa, Gómez Martínez Diego Mauricio, Cortés Jiménez Gloria Patricia, López Vélez Cristián Mauricio, Agudelo Restrepo Adriana, Castaño Vasco Leidy Johana, Narváez Zuñiga Andrés, and Narváez Obando Paola


Risk Management in volcanic chains of the Circum-Pacific Belt

​Marta Calvache, Diego Gómez, Carlos Laverde


Use of macroseismic and instrumental data to reassess earthquake locations: Examples from pre-digital earthquakes in Colombia

Domenico Di Giacomo, Ana Milena Sarabia​


Micro-Textural Controls on Magma Rheology and Vulcanian Explosion Cyclicity

Amelia A. Bain, Jackie E. Kendrick, Anthony Lamur, Yan Lavallée, Eliza S. Calder, Joaquín A. Cortés, Gloria Patricia Cortés, Diego Gómez Martinez and Roberto A. Torres​


Late Cretaceous to Paleocene magmatic record of the transition between collision and subduction in the Western and Central Cordillera of northern Colombia

Juan Pablo Zapata-Villada, Cardona. A., Serna. S., Gabriel Rodríguez

Geociencias Básicas

Giant pliosaurids (Sauropterygia; Plesiosauria) from the Lower Cretaceous peri-Gondwanan seas of Colombia and Australia

Leslie F. Noé & Marcela Gómez Pérez

Geociencias Básicas

​   Autores​
​​Dirección Técnica
Detailed seismic velocity structure of the Caribbean Plate beneath Valle del Magdalena region of NE of Colombia

John Makario Londoño​, Katerine Vallejo y Sleyde Quintero


Social appropriation: method for understanding and applying landslide knowledge to territorial planning and risk management

​Gabriel Avell​aneda A., Gloria Lucia Ruiz P.


Cases of the application of landslide knowledge to land-use planning and risk management

Gabriel Avellaneda A., Gloria Lucia Ruiz P.​


Spatial Prediction for Bottom Hole Temperature and Geothermal Gradient in Colombia

Jhon Camilo Matiz León, Diana Carolina Borda-Beltrán

Geociencias Básicas
Interpolations from Vertical Electrical Soundings for the Characterization of the Geothermal System of the Municipality of Paipa, Colombia

Gilbert Rodríguez Rodríguez

Geociencias Básicas​

Cartographic Standard for Geothermal Information of the Colombian Geological Survey

Jhon Camilo Matiz León

Geociencias Básicas​

Magnetotelluric Models for the Characterization of the Geothermal System of the Azufral Volcano

Gilbert Rodríguez Rodríguez

Geociencias Básicas

Hot Springs outside the Colombian Andean Area

Jaison Malo, Claudia Alfaro Valero, Gina Rodríguez​​​

​​Geociencias Básicas

Local Meteoric Water Line of the Central Zone of Boyacá, Colombia

Jaison Malo, Claudia Alfaro ​Valero

Geociencias Básicas

Status of the Geothermal Resouces of Colombia: Country Update

​Claudia Alfaro Valero, Gilbert Rodríguez Rodríguez​ ​

​​​Geociencias Básicas

New areas of geothermic interest in the central cordillera of the Colombian Andes: Santa Rosa and Cerro Machín

Yenny Casallas, Jesús Rueda-Gutiérrez and Gina Rodríguez

Geociencias Básicas​​

Updating of the Descriptive Conceptual Model of Paipa Geothermal System, Colombia

Claudia Alfaro, Jesús Rueda, Jhon Camilo Matiz León, Gilbert Rodríguez Rodríguez​, Carlos González, Miguel Beltrán, Gina Rodríguez and Jaison Malo​​​

​​​Geociencias Básicas​

First Approach to 3D Resistive Model Interpretation in the Geothermal Area of Paipa, Colombia

Carlos E. González-Idárraga

Geociencias Básicas​

Gravity and Magnetic Interpretation of Azufral Volcano Geothermal Zone

Miguel A. Beltrán​​

​​​Geociencias Básicas​​

A Hydrothermally Altered Igneous Intrusion: an Additional Heat Source for the Geothermal System of Paipa, Colombia

​Gina Rodríguez Ospina

Geociencias Básicas​

Application of Digital Image Processing Techniques for Earth Observation Satellites in the Estimation of Surface Temperature Models in Support of Geothermal Exploration in Colombia

Jhon Camilo Matiz León, Gilbert Rodríguez Rodríguez​ and Claudi​a Alfaro-Valero​

​​​​Geociencias Básicas

Application of Digital Image Processing Techniques for Earth Observation Satellites in the Estimation of Surface Temperature Models in Support of Geothermal Exploration in Colombia

J. Camilo Matiz-León, Gilbert Rodríguez-Rodríguez and Claudia Alfaro-Valero

Geociencias Básicas

Application of a bivariate statistical method to the study of hazard zoning by mass movements at a scale of 1:25,000 in the municipality of Villavicencio, department of Meta

​Sofia ​Navarro, Diego Medina


Debris flows that affected the city of Mocoa, Colombia on March 31, 2017
​Gloria Ruíz


Zoning of mass movement hazards in Colombia
Gloria Ruiz y Sofia Navarro


Statistical description of some landslide inventories from Colombian Andes: study cases in Mocoa, Villavicencio, Popayán, and Cajamarca

​Michael Steve Rangel-Florez, Helbert ​Garcia-Delgado, Edgar Rodriguez, Jorge Leonardo Chaparro Cordon, Enif Medina-Bello


Petrological analysis of coals in central sector of the Cordillera Oriental basin of Colombia

Clara Liliana ​Guatame y Marco Antonio Rincón
Recursos Minerales
Determination of 131 5 I activity concentration and rate in main inflows and outflows of Salitre wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), Bogota

Fernando​ Mosos, Ana Milena Velásquez, Evelin Tatiana Mora, Carlos Daniel Tello
​Asuntos Nucleares
Collage of tectonic slivers abutting the eastern Romeral Fault System in central Colombia
Ana María Correa Martínez, Uw​e Martens, Gabriel Rodríguez
​Geociencias Básicas
Geoquímica y geocronología U-Pb de La Cuarzodiorita de Sabanalarga y el Gabro de Santa Fe
Juan Pablo Zapata-Villada, Wilmer Giraldo, Gabriel Rodriguez, Mauro Cesar Geraldes, Milton Obando
​Geociencias Básicas
Tectono-magmatic implications of the Jurassic volcanic and volcanoclastic record of the Santa Marta Massif (Colombia)

Diego A. Ramírez S., Ana María Correa M., Juan Pablo Zapata V. y Gabriel Rodríguez G.

Geociencias Básicas
Aportes al conocimiento del plutonismo del Arco Mocoa-Santa Marta durante el Jurásico Temprano-Medio, en la margen noroccidental de los Andes, Colombia

Gabriel Rodríguez-García, Juan Pablo Zapata, Ana María Correa-Martínez, Diego Armando Ramírez​, Gloria Obando

Geociencias Básicas


Servicio Geológico Colombiano

Sede Principal

Dirección: Diagonal 53 N0. 34 - 53 Bogotá D.C. Colombia

Código Postal: 111321

Horario de Atención Sedes SGC: Lunes a viernes 8.00 a.m. a 5 p.m.

Horario de Atención Museo Geológico Nacional:
Martes a viernes de 9:00 a.m. a 4:00 p.m. y último sábado de cada mes de 10:00 a.m. a 4:00 p.m.

Teléfono conmutador: (601) 220 0200 - (601) 220 0100 - (601) 222 1811

Línea anticorrupción y de atención al ciudadano y denuncias: 01 - 8000 - 110842

Línea de atención 24 horas para emergencias radiológicas: +57 ​317 366 2793

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