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 Geological Relief Map of South America 5M 2022

​​Geological Relief Map of South America   at a sca​le of 1:5M​

CCGM         SGC         Servicio Geológico de Brasil         ASGMI

​             Authors:
            Jorge GÓMEZ TAPIAS, Colombian Geological Survey
            Nohora Emma MONTES RAMÍREZ, Colombian Geological Survey
            Carlos SCHOBBENHAUS, Geological Survey of Brazil

​             ​              ​             ​​​


​The process of elaboration of 3D models is carried out with the software Blender 3D. This is a modeling tool that allows schematic representation through a set of objects and elements, shadows and textures added to an initial 3D surface generated with a DEM (GEBCO). The resulted work, once rendered, would become a 3D image, which will have a 90 STRM resolution.

This relief map correspond to the new edition of the 2019 Geological Map of South America (GMSA) at a scale of 1:5 M was developed by the Subcommission for South America of the Commission for the Geological Map of the World (CGMW), approved by the CGMW General Assembly held in Oslo (Norway), during the 33rd International Geological Congress.

This third version has been prepared with the cooperation of the Ibero–American Association of Geology and Mining Surveys (ASGMI), the geological surveys of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Uruguay; and several additional universities and research institutes that are mentioned in the collaborators information.

The subcommission followed a methodology for integrating the geological information from each country as follows: first, a new code was generated for each chronostratigraphic unit according to the proposed legend, by using digital layers provided by the geological survey of each country; second, symbology and colors were created with patterns representative of rock type and colors depicting the ages; and third, a map with coded units was prepared at a scale of 1:5 M.

With the objective of generalization and linking units by hand, the GMSA was printed at a scale of 1:3 M with the new codification. Next, the GMSA was scanned and georeferenced in order to generalize the geological units, faults and folds at a scale of 1:5 M. Once this was done, and despite the small–scale of the GMSA, the chronostratigraphic units, faults and folds on the map were adjusted with the aid of shaded relief images (STRM from NASA) in order to improve the matching between relief and the mapped geological units. Finally, the geology between countries was harmonized. It is worth noting that the updating of the GMSA was done through consultation of internationally indexed published papers.

The map is based on a Polyconic Projection (Latitude × Longitude), centered on Meridian –59°, WGS–1984 datum; data for offshore areas were taken from the Tectonic Map of South America at a scale of 1:5.9 M (Cordani et al., 2016); the Sea Floor Topography from GEBCO 08 Grid, version 20100927; and the Crustal Age Grid: NCEI/NOAA.

Citation of the map:


Gómez, J., Schobbenhaus, C. & Montes, N.E., compilers. 2022. Geological Relief Map of South America 2022. Scale 1:5 000 000. Commission for the Geological Map of the World (CGMW), Colombian Geological Survey, and Geological Survey of Brazil. Paris.


Gómez, J., Schobbenhaus, C. & Montes, N.E., compiladores. 2022. Geological Relief Map of South America 2022. Escala 1:5 000 000. Commission for the Geological Map of the World (CGMW), Servicio Geológico Colombiano, y Servicio Geológico de Brasil. París.

3D map elaboration process​

The process of elaboration of 3D models is carried out with the software Blender 3D. This is a modeling tool that allows schematic representation through a set of objects and elements, shadows and textures added to an initial 3D surface generated with a DEM (GEBCO). The resulted work, once rendered, would become a 3D image, which will have a 90 STRM resolution.


STRM: Shuttle Radar Topography Mission​

General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans​

DEM: Digital Elevation Model

Hengki PURWO​NEGORO​​ graduated as a Forest engineer from the Institut Pertanian Bogor in 2005 and as a GIS and Remote Sensing Specialist from the PT. Sylva Prima Kaltim in 2012. He has extensive experience in map production, geospatial modeling, 3D maps, geospatial record-keeping, photogrammetry with drones, and database in ArcGIS. Currently, he works in the industrial forestry sector at Araya Bumi Indonesia Group. His main research interest is in individual tree detection using drone photogrammetry in plantation forests.​

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