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 Simposio The Geology of Colombia: La historia geológica del territorio colombiano

Simposio The Geology of Colombia

Simposio The Geology of Colombia: La historia geológica del territorio colombiano

El lanzamiento de la obra The Geology of Colombia se realizó  a través de un simposio virtual del 24 al 27 de noviembre de 2020. Con el Simposio The Geology of Colombia: La historia geológica del territorio colombiano, el Servicio Geológico Colombiano reunió a la comunidad geocientífica (estudiantes, profesores, investigadores independientes y de la industria minera, petrolera, ambiental, etc.), y a los colombianos interesados en conocer la historia geológica de Colombia. De la mano de los científicos que han dedicado su carrera a comprender los procesos geológicos del territorio nacional y que participaron como autores en The Geology of Colombia, los asistentes disfrutaron    de un recorrido por la historia geológica del país.


Día 1:   Acto protocolario y  presentación de los capítulos del Volume    1 Proterozoic – Paleozoic de la obra The Geology of Colombia​​

​​​Hora  ​Presentación​

Apertura del Simposio The Geology of Colombia: La historia geológica del territorio colombiano ​
Lisbeth FO​G​
Palabras del Ministro de Minas y Energía de Colombia​​ ​Diego MES​A PUYO
8:50–9:00 Palabras de la Viceministra de Talento y Apropiación Social del Conocimiento del Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación​​​​ Sonia Esperanza MONROY VARELA​
Palabras del Director General del Servicio Geológico Colombiano​​ Oscar PAREDES ZAPATA​
Video del proceso editorial de la obra The Geology of Colombia​​ ​Grupo editorial de la obra The Geology of Colombia
Palabras del Presidente del Comité Estratigráfico Internacional​​ David A. T. HARPER​
Introducción al Volume 1 Proterozoic – Paleozoic de la obra The Geology of Colombia​​

9:40–10:40​​ Presentación de la obra The Geology of Colombia  Jorge GÓMEZ TAPIAS​
Prólogo de la obra The Geology of Colombia
Victor A. RAMOS​
Volume 1 Chapter 1 Physiographic and Geological Context of the Colombian Territory
Volume 1 Chapter 2 Contribution of New Airborne Geophysical Information to the Geological Knowledge of Eastern Colombia​
​Ismael Enrique MOYANO NIETO
Volume 1 Chapter 3 Tectonostratigraphic Terranes in Colombia: An Update. First part: Continental Terranes​ Jorge Julián RESTREPO


Volume 1 Chapter 4 Zircon U–Pb Geochronology and Hf–Nd–O Isotope Geochemistry of the Paleoproterozoic to Mesoproterozoic Basement in the Westernmost Guyana Shield​ ​Umberto CORDANI
El proceso editorial de la obra The Geology of Colombia​​ Daniela MATEUS ZABALA​
Volume 1 Chapters 5 & 7 Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic Records of the Llanos Orientales Basin, Colombia​
Volume 1 Chapter 6 The Putumayo Orogen of Amazonia: A Synthesis
Volume 1 Chapter 8 The Anacona Terrane: A Small Early Paleozoic Peri–Gondwanan Terrane in the Cauca–Romeral Fault System​
Volume 1 Chapter 9 Paleozoic of Colombian Andes: New Paleontological Data and Regional Stratigraphic Review​ Mario MORENO SÁNCHEZ​
Volume 1 Chapter 10 Fragments of a Permian Arc on the Western Margin of the Neoproterozoic Basement of Colombia​​ Gabriel RODRÍGUEZ GARCÍA​

Día 2:   Presentación  de    los capítulos del Volume    2   Mesozoic     de la obra The Geology of Colombia​​

Hora ​

Introducción al Volume 2 Mesozoic de la obra The Geology of Colombia​​Rubby Melissa LASSO MUÑOZ ​
Volume 2 Chapter 1 The Permian – Triassic History of Magmatic Rocks of the Northern Andes (Colombia and Ecuador): Supercontinent Assembly and Disassembly​​Richard SPIKINGS
Los mejores consejos para la representación gráfica en artículos científicos basados en la obra The Geology of Colombia​
9:00–9:30​Volume 2 Chapter 2​ The Petrologic Nature of the "Medellín Dunite" Revisited: An Algebraic Approach and Proposal of a New Definition of the Geological Body​Antonio GARCIA CASCO
9:30–10:00​Volume 2 Chapter 3 Late Triassic to Jurassic Magmatism in Colombia: Implications for the Evolution of Northern Margin of South America​Julián Andrés LÓPEZ ISAZA
Volume 2 Chapter 4 Diverse Jurassic Magmatic Arcs of the Colombian Andes: Constraints from Petrography, Geochronology,​ and Geochemistry​​Gabriel RODRÍGUEZ GARCÍA
10:30–11:00​Volume 2 Chapter 5 Jurassic Evolution of the Northwestern Corner of Gondwana: Present Knowledge and Future Challenges in Studying Colombian Jurassic Rocks​Germán BAYONA​
11:00–11:30​Volume 2 Chapter 6 140 Million Years of Tropical Biome Evolution​Carlos JARAMILLO​
11:30–12:00​La edición de los textos en The Geology of Colombia: Desde la corrección de estilo hasta las pruebas de diagramación
Almuerzo ​
Volume 2 Chapter 7 Tectonostratigraphic Terranes in Colombia: An Update. Second Part: Oceanic Terranes​Jean–François TOUSSAINT


Volume 2 Chapters 8 & 9 Detrital U–Pb Provenance, Mineralogy, and Geochemistry of the Cretaceous Colombian Back–Arc Basin. Exploration of Nonconventional Hydrocarbons in the Cretaceous Colombian Back–Arc Basin​Javier GUERRERO
Volume 2 Chapter 10 Cretaceous Record from a Mariana– to an Andean–Type Margin in the Central Cordillera of the Colombian Andes​

El arte de una buena dia​gramación: Caja tipográfica de la obra The Geology of Colombia​
Miguel Gerardo RAMÍREZ LEAL


Volume 2 Chapter 11 Dinosaur Footprints from the Lower Cretaceous, Bata Formation, Colombia (South America), and the Possible Interchange of Large Ornithopods between Southern Laurasia and Northern Gondwana​
Leslie F. NOÈ​
Volume 2 Chapter 12 Barremian Deposits of Colombia: A Special Emphasis on Marine Successions​Pedro PATARROYO
Volume 2 Chapter 13 Plesiosaurs, Palaeoenvironments, and the Paja Formation Lagerstätte of Central Colombia: An Overview​Marcela GÓMEZ PÉREZ​
Volume 2 Chapter 14 Two Cretaceous Subduction Events in the Central Cordillera: Insights from the High P–Low T Metamorphism​​Camilo BUSTAMANTE​​


Día 3:   Presentación  de    los capítulos del Volume   3   Paleogene   –   Neogene      de la obra The Geology of Colombia​​

Introducción al Volume 3 Paleogene – Neogene de la obra The Geology of ​Colombia​Rubby Melissa LASSO MUÑOZ ​
Volume 3 Chapter 1 The Cretaceous/Paleogene Boundary Deposits on Gorgonilla Island​
Hermann Darío BERMÚDEZ​
Volume 3 Chapter 2 Formation and Evolution of the Lower Magdalena Valley Basin and San Jacinto Fold Belt of Northwestern Colombia: Insights from Upper Cretaceous to Recent Tectono–Stratigraphy​Josué Alejandro MORA BOHÓRQUEZ
Volume 3 Chapter 3 Construction of the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia: Insights from the Sedimentary Record​Brian K. HORTON​
Capturar los sentidos para crear empatía: La estrategia de divulgación de la obra The Geology of Colombia​
Rubby Melissa LASSO MUÑOZ
Lisbeth FOG
Alejandra CARDONA
​Volume 3 Chapter 6 Structural Styles of the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia
Andreas KAMMER​
​Fundamento del pauta editorial de la obra The Geology of Colombia
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Cenozoic Evolution of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia​Mauricio PARRA​


Volume 3 Chapter 8 Cenozoic Geologic Evolution of the Southern Tumaco Forearc Basin (SW Colombian Pacific)​Andrés PARDO TRUJILLO
Volume 3 Chapter 9 Cenozoic Marine Carbonate Systems of Colombia​​Juan Carlos SILVA TAMAYO


Volume 3 Chapter 10 From Facies Analysis, Stratigraphic Surfaces, and Depositional Sequences to Stratigraphic Traps in the Eocene – Oligocene Record of the Southern Llanos Basin and Northern Magdalena Basin​Víctor M. CABALLERO​
Volume 3 Chapter 11 Oligocene – Miocene Coal–Bearing Successions of the Amagá Formation, Antioquia, Colombia: Sedimentary Environments, Stratigraphy, and Tectonic Implications​Juan Carlos SILVA TAMAYO
Volume 3 Chapter 12 The Combia Volcanic Province: Miocene Post‒Collisional Magmatism in the Northern Andes​Marion WEBER​


Volume 3 Chapter 13 The Morales Formation (New Unit): Record of Fluvial–Lacustrine Environments and the Beginning of the Miocene Explosive Volcanism in the Patía Sub–basin (SW of Colombia)​​Andrés PARDO TRUJILLO
Volume 3 Chapter 14 New Contributions to Knowledge about the Chocó–Panamá Arc in Colombia, Including a New Segment South of Colombia​Gilberto ZAPATA GARCÍA​
​Volume 3 Chapter 15 Isthmian Bedrock Geology: Tilted, Bent, and Broken
Camilo MONTES​
El estilo de las referencias de la obra The Geology of Colombia


​Volume 3 Chapter 16 Zircon U–Pb and Fission–Track Dating Applied to Resolving Sediment Provenance in Modern Rivers Draining the Eastern and Central Cordilleras, Colombia
​Volume 3 Chapter 17 Different Levels of Exhumation across the Bucaramanga Fault in the Cepitá Area of the Southwestern Santander Massif, Colombia: Implications for the Tectonic Evolution of the Northern Andes in Northwestern South America

Día 4:   Presentación  de    los capítulos del Volume   4    Quaternary   de la obra The Geology of Colombia​​

​​Hor​a ​
Introducción al Volume 4 Quaternary de la obra The Geology of Colombia​María Paula MARROQUÍN GÓMEZ
Volume 4 Chapter 1 Stratigraphy and Tectonics of the Neogene and Quaternary of the Cauca Basin of Colombia​Myriam Carlota LÓPEZ​
Volume 4 Chapter 2 Colombia in the Quaternary: An Overview of Environmental and Climatic Change​Henry HOOGHIEMSTRA
Volume 4 Chapter 3 The Volcanic Front in Colombia: Segmentation and Recent and Historical Activity​ Maria Luisa MONSALVE BUSTAMANTE​
Volume 4 Chapter 4 Paipa Geothermal System, Boyacá: Review of Exploration Studies and Conceptual Model​Claudia María ALFARO VALERO​
Volume 4 Chapter 5 Stratigraphy and Geological Evolution of the Paramillo de Santa Rosa Volcanic Complex and Its Pleistocene to Holocene Eruptive History​Bernardo Alonso PULGARÍN ALZATE​
Volume 4 Chapter 6 The Nevado del Huila Volcanic Complex​Ana María CORREA TAMAYO
Volume 4 Chapter 7 Geological Evolution of the Nevado del Ruiz Volcanic Complex​​Julián Andrés CEBALLOS HERNÁNDEZ
​Volume 4 Chapter 8 Holocene Lahar Deposits Associated with the Eruptive Activity of Cerro Machín Volcano, Colombia: Impact on Landscape and Associated Potential Hazards

​Gloria Patricia CORTÉS JIMÉNEZ

Volume 4 Chapter 9 A Model of the Quindío and Risaralda Quaternary Deposits​Armando ESPINOSA BAQUERO​
Volume 4 Chapter 10 Rear arc small–volume basaltic volcanism in Colombia: Monogenetic volcanic fields​Maria Luisa MONSALVE BUSTAMANTE​
​Volume 4 Chapter 11 Subduction Geometries in Northwestern South America
Carlos Alberto VARGAS​
Volume 4 Chapter 12 The Algeciras Fault System of the Upper Magdalena Valley, Huila Department​​Hans DIEDERIX
Volume 4 Chapter 13 Quaternary Activity of the Bucaramanga Fault in the Departments of Santander and Cesar​Hans DIEDERIX
Volume 4 Chapter 14 Contributions of Space Geodesy for Geodynamic Studies in Colombia: 1988 to 2017​James N. KELLOGG​
Volume 4 Chapter 15 Interplate Coupling along the Nazca Subduction Zone on the Pacific Coast of Colombia Deduced from GeoRED GPS Observation Data​Takeshi SAGIYA​
Volume 4 Chapter 16 Mapping Land Subsidence in Bogotá, Colombia, Using the Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) Technique with TerraSAR–X Images​Héctor MORA PÁEZ​

​Volume 4 Chapter 17 Integrated Perspective of the Present–Day Stress and Strain Regime in Colombia from Analysis of Earthquake Focal Mechanisms and Geodetic Data
​Mónica ARCILA
Sesión de preguntas de la obra The Geology of Colombia​Modera Grupo editorial de la obra The Geology of Colombia​
¿Hacia dónde debe ir la investigación geológica en Colombia?: Una visión desde la obra The Geology of Colombia​

 Victor A. RAMOS 
Cierre del Simposio

Proceso editorial de la obra The Geology of Colombia

Entrevistas radiales

Servicio Geológico Colombiano

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Dirección: Diagonal 53 N0. 34 - 53 Bogotá D.C. Colombia

Código Postal: 111321

Horario de Atención Sedes SGC: Lunes a viernes 8.00 a.m. a 5 p.m.

Horario de Atención Museo Geológico Nacional:
Martes a viernes de 9:00 a.m. a 4:00 p.m. y último sábado de cada mes de 10:00 a.m. a 4:00 p.m.

Teléfono conmutador: (601) 220 0200 - (601) 220 0100 - (601) 222 1811

Línea anticorrupción y de atención al ciudadano y denuncias: 01 - 8000 - 110842

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