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 The project

The Geology of Colombia book is a national–scale editorial project of the Servicio Geológico Colombiano, a public science and technology institution responsible for advancing the research and generation of geoscientific knowledge and nuclear applications in Colombia. The Geology of Colombia is the first edited and peer–reviewed book on Colombian geology. The book presents up–to–date geological knowledge of Colombia. It will be first released on our website and afterward printed and distributed free of charge.

Chapters of The Geology of Colombia are completed original research or compendiums that summarize a researcher(s) work. Regional significance or key geological events registered in the Colombian territory, such as Precambrian and Paleozoic orogenies, Precambrian to Cenozoic sedimentation, the first record of the Chicxulub impact in South America and magmatic events, will be addressed in the book.

Authors of The Geology of Colombia book are the most remarkable and active geoscientists doing research in Colombia. Fourteen of the first twenty researchers on Colombian geology recognized by having the highest h–indices in Scopus are chapter authors. In total, 177 authors of 14 nationalities wrote for this book.

In addition to the support of the Scientific Committee, the editorial board counts on the support of 79 reviewers, who are among the most recognized researchers in fields such as tectonics, regional geology, petrology, geophysics, volcanology, and Colombian geology. These reviewers were selected by the editorial board based on their expertise and outstanding scientific production, which is demonstrated by their high h–indices.

The Asociación Colombiana para el Avance de la Ciencia, a Colombian institution responsible for supporting the sciences, technology, and innovation processes, is linked to The Geology of Colombia. This guarantee that the stages of the editorial process have been achieved in the best way to obtain indexing by the Colombian Institute for the Development of Science, Technology, and Innovation (Colciencias) and other open–access international indexes. 

Servicio Geológico Colombiano

Sede Principal

Dirección: Diagonal 53 N0. 34 - 53 Bogotá D.C. Colombia

Código Postal: 111321

Horario de Atención Sedes SGC: Lunes a viernes 8.00 a.m. a 5 p.m.

Horario de Atención Museo Geológico Nacional:
Martes a viernes de 9:00 a.m. a 4:00 p.m. y último sábado de cada mes de 10:00 a.m. a 4:00 p.m.

Teléfono conmutador: (601) 220 0200 - (601) 220 0100 - (601) 222 1811

Línea anticorrupción y de atención al ciudadano y denuncias: 01 - 8000 - 110842

Línea de atención 24 horas para emergencias radiológicas: +57 ​317 366 2793

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